Bodyweight Training represents 80% of my practice as an athlete and movement coach…
I have done many different sports over this last years ( football, trampolines, Muay Thai, bodyboard…) tried many training routines/ devices ( Split routine , Trx , CrossFit … ) BUT …
Calisthenics got my heart and soul , WHY ??
Because there’s is no limits and it’s a world with endless possibilities … by the time I started to train in order TO BE BETTER ( at a specific skill / movement ) instead of focusing on aesthetics l, THE MAGIC HAPPENED 🔥
Our body represents what we are, what we do , what we believe in ‼️ …
If you’re just “ working out “ in order to burn calories and achieve a caloric deficit like you’re some type of calculator machine, your body will represent that on how it looks and more important how it functions…
If by other hand you train to overcome your fears /weaknesses , to progress a little bit everyday, to be exposed to failure and learn with mistakes , YOU WILL FIND YOUR INNER POTENTIAL 🔥
That’s exactly what CALISTHENICS taught me … We can be everything we want, impossible is guaranteed, and failure is part of growing process BUT … never let others limit your potential with random opinions, GO FIND BY YOURSELF 👊
I would not believe the things I do 10y ago, but guess what … what you see is the result of 1st believe in myself , 2nd never feel satisfied, 3rd many hours of practice and last being passionate about life and learning process🥰
Just start somewhere, wherever your passion is , do it , don’t stop and don’t expect anything other than feel good, healthy and connected… the aesthetics is a consequence, stay CONSISTENT and you’ll see the miracle happen ❤️
Have a great day FAM 🧡 We are beautiful 🌏